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Our Team

Fred Erickson - Founder & CEO
Fred was born and raised into a military family in Victoria, TX where his father was stationed for fighter-jet pilot school. As many military families do, he lived all over the world. From an early age, Fred was fascinated with electronics. During the last 2 years of high school, Fred studied and received an associate degree in electronics technology. Just out of high school, Fred built and programed his own computer from scratch. He studied systems engineering at Wright State University in Dayton Ohio. He has always worked in the electronics field for; the City of Fairborn, Ohio, Honeywell, and Avnet. In 2001, he and a business partner started their own consulting firm, Knowledge Capital Alliance, Inc., where his primary focus was consulting with public health in the areas of operational and strategic planning. This led to him developing the VMSG Dashboard Public Health Performance Management System with the input from several large health departments. That’s how the VMSG Dashboard was born. Fred began selling the VMSG Dashboard to public health departments across the Nation in 2014.
On a personal level, Fred is a 3rd degree black belt in traditional Japanese Wado Karate and an active competitive fighter. He has won hundreds of competitions including 23 consecutive national karate championships and, as of July 4th, 2022, 2 world karate championships. He is also an avid tennis player and fitness junkie. He is a devoted husband to his lovely and talented wife, Andrea and a father to 2 adult children and stepfather to 4 others.

Andrea Schon - National Account Manager
Andrea is an entrepreneur, mother and creative marketer who has built brand recognition for Knowledge Capital Alliance. Her most successful and fulfilling career was being a single mother of 4 children whom she homeschooled from preschool through high school. Her journey began in Redding, California when she decided to leave her small town to become a skilled in Communication at California State University in Sacramento. Finding ways to support herself and her education, she started her own dance company. She entered the local Miss America Pageant and was awarded the title of Miss Sacramento and engaged in a yearlong commitment of developing her skills as a public speaker and public relations representing the Miss America program on the County level. After college she worked as a representative for Bank of America Business Services and progressed in her career as a National Sales Trainer then Regional Vice President for the Los Angeles Region. She then was married and furthered her career with Bank of America in investments in Arizona. She stopped working after her 1st child and homeschooled all four children until they graduated from High School. She found herself as a single mother when oldest was 15 and the youngest was 9. During this time, she decided to bridge the gap between being a stay-at-home mom and a career woman to support her children by interning with Knowledge Capital Alliance which was a consulting firm that developed a Performance Management System for Public Health. Within 6 months, the VMSG Dashboard Public Health Performance Management System began to grow in popularity. Andrea’s hobbies include dancing, Karate and lifting weights with her kids. Her favorite singer is Jonny Cash. Her favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 9:24 and her mantra is "60 is the new 40."